Thinking About Reinventing Yourself?

Have you ever thought about reinventing yourself?

Lots of people do, but some don’t try because they’re afraid of, or don’t like, change. Change. The unknown. Unfamiliar territory. It’s unsettling and feels scary, so people often settle for their existing circumstances, convincing themselves that it’s better to stick with the devil they know.

When the Status Quo Becomes Too Uncomfortable

But when the part of your life that needs attention becomes so uncomfortable that you’re continuously stressed and unhappy, it might be time to give change a second look. I mean, what’s worse? Choosing to live in an endless sea of adrenalin because of fear, or making a change, fully expecting a temporary surge of adrenalin until your new circumstance feels like home? The latter, at least, offers excitement and hope for a better life.

Some can leap into new situations without hesitation, while others, like me, need a well-thought-out game plan to feel physically, emotionally, and financially secure. If I’m going to jump, I need to make sure that I’ll be okay. I need that safety net.

A Strategic Chicken is Born

I’m in awe of my good friend, Natalie, who’s brave enough to just jump ship and start anew – even if it means moving all the way across the country where she knows nobody. Twice. I squirm just thinking about it. Compared to her, I’m a chicken…but I’m okay with it because I’m a strategic chicken. The changes I’ve made have been rewarding, fruitful, and low-stress because they were mapped out. The only downside is that I was in my uncomfortable situation a tad longer than I liked, but it was bearable because there was light at the end of the tunnel. I knew I was leaving and that was enough to keep me going.

Taking Stock of Your Life

Quite a while ago, I read a magazine article that said people can endure in relationships, personal or professional; if they feel happy at least 50% of the time. But as soon as the scale tips to 51% unhappiness, they start yearning for change.

So how about you? Are you happy? Do you need or want change? If so, what aspect of your life is unrewarding or unfulfilling, and to what degree? And how would you go about fixing it?

In upcoming blogs, I’ll talk about some of the changes I’ve made, how they happened, and lessons learned. Each blog will show a step along the way, eventually leading to how, in my sixties, I achieved my dream of becoming an author. Believe me, there was no straight line from Point A to Point B, but the twists and turns were fascinating. You can achieve your dreams too.

Until next time,

Jean AKA The Strategic Chicken - Making life’s journey one strategic step at a time


Obligations Sometimes Bring Unexpected Rewards